Forms/information leaflets

(John, Aidan hasn’t had a chance to go through these forms.  They need to be checked by him for both accuracy (I noted some glaring errors and changed them but there could be others) and completeness.  Will do it asap - probably by the end of the week? More realistically by Monday)

Denture Care Instructions

Your new dentures have been made to fit your mouth. However, they are artificial and their success depends on how well you adapt to them. Your dentures will last longer and fit better if you take care of them. 

Getting used to your new dentures - For the first few weeks your new dentures may feel bulky and odd. However you will eventually become used to it. Inserting and removing the dentures will need some practice. 

Denture wear - You can wear the dentures during the day, taking them out only to clean after meals. However, they must be removed before going to bed (always store them in a container with cold water). This allows the gums to rest and promotes oral health.  

Discomfort - Most people manage to adapt well to new dentures irrespective of any denture experience. However, you may have sore spots 24-48hrs after initial wear. You may need an additional appointment to ease these areas to improve the fit. The sore spots may take up to a week to heal after that. If you cannot see your dentist immediately, it might be wise to reduce or stop denture wear until 2-3days before the review appointment. 

Eating with you new denture – Start with soft foods and gradually progress onto more solid food. You may need to cut your food into small portions and chew using both sides of your mouth to prevent denture tipping. Avoid biting with your front teeth (like biting into an apple) as this will cause tipping at the back end of the dentures. 

Speaking with your new dentures – Your speech may be altered initially and pronouncing certain words will require practise. However, your speech should be back to normal within a week. To speed this process, reading out from a newspaper or magazine should help. Following use of your new dentures you may experience excess salivation for a few days.

Cleaning your dentures – Daily cleaning of your denture is necessary to prevent build-up of food debris, stains and calculus. These can cause problems with appearance, mouth odour, irritation to gums and infections. Brushing • Use a soft toothbrush or denture brush to clean your denture, along with soap and warm running water (avoid hot water as this can warp the denture). Avoid using abrasive toothpaste as this can scratch the denture, which can make it more prone to collect debris, stains and tartar. • Dentures can break, so always clean your dentures over the sink/bowl of water, just in case they slip out of your hands by accident. • Brush or rinse the denture after every meal to prevent the build up of debris. Soaking • You can use proprietary denture cleaning tablets or solutions for soaking, to help loosen and remove stains and deposits. However, you should avoid leaving the dentures in the solution overnight. A 10-minute soak once or twice a week should be sufficient. • Do not soak if you have a metal denture as it can damage the metal. They can be effectively cleaned with a soft brush and warm soap water. Avoid soaking if your denture has a soft lining as some products could damage the lining. They can also be cleaned by brushing. 

Care of your mouth - With partial dentures, you must take extra care of your teeth and gums. Even with full dentures, you still need to take good care of your mouth. Brush your gums, tongue and palate with a soft brush twice a day. This helps to remove plaque and improves the general health of your mouth.

If you have any questions or concerns please ring the practice on 0117 973 3308 or speak to your dentist at your next scheduled visit.

Root Canal Treatment consent form

We have identified that you have a tooth that requires endodontic treatment, also known as root canal treatment (RCT).
The purpose of endodontic treatment is to save a tooth which may otherwise need to be extracted.  It involves removing the nerve tissue and clearing out the canals with small instruments and a disinfectant solution under local anaesthetic. 

Although the procedure has a high success rate there are also risks associated with this as an option, including;

  • RCT can be a time consuming procedure with multiple appointments and it will be necessary to use a rubber dam. 
  • It may be advised that for the tooth to have the best prognosis, that a crown or similar restoration is placed on the tooth afterwards, which may involve a greater financial cost. 
  • Risk of post operative pain, swelling, sensitivity or infection.
  • Inability to fill the root canal due to calcification or inability to negotiate curves in the canal. If we are unable to reach the apex (tip of the root) the RCT has a reduced rate of success.
  • Fracture or breakage of the root or crown during or after treatment as the tooth becomes more brittle and liable to damage.
  • Separation of the small instruments and files used during treatment.
  • Perforation of the tooth
  • Damage to existing fillings, crowns or veneers in order to access the root canal

    We have carried out this type of treatment many times without complications developing but we feel it is important that you are given all the information so that you can decide whether this is the best treatment option is for you. 

Other treatment options for this tooth include:

  • Do nothing
  • Extraction
  • Referral to a private specialist Endodontist




How to floss


What is the Right Way to Floss?

Proper flossing removes  plaque  and food particles in places where a toothbrush cannot easily reach — under the gumline and between your teeth. 

Because plaque build-up can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, daily flossing is highly recommended.

To receive maximum benefits from flossing, use the following proper technique:

  • Starting with about 18 inches of floss, wind most of the floss around each middle finger, leaving an inch or two of floss to work with
  • Holding the floss tautly between your thumbs and index fingers, slide it gently up-and-down between your teeth
  • Gently curve the floss around the base of each tooth, making sure you go beneath the gumline. Never snap or force the floss, as this may cut or bruise delicate gum tissue
  • Use clean sections of floss as you move from tooth to tooth
  • To remove the floss, use the same back-and-forth motion to bring the floss up and away from the teeth

If you have any queries, please ask your hygienist or dentist at your next visit.


How to use a tepe interdental brush


Make it a daily routine to brush between your teeth with an interdental brush to keep your teeth healthy and to prevent gum disease and caries. Interdental brushes are also used for cleaning of implants and orthodontic appliances.

Use between the front teeth

Use a straight interdental brush between the front teeth. Insert the brush gently between your teeth. Do not force the brush into a space; work it in gently or choose a smaller size. Move the interdental brush full length back and forth a few times.

Use between the back teeth

If you use a small interdental brush (pink, orange, red or blue) you may curve the soft neck slightly by adding pressure with your finger to make it easier to reach between the back teeth.

Use between the back teeth

If you use an interdental brush of a larger size, access between the back teeth may be improved if you slightly curve the wire. The interdental brush will last longer if you do not straighten or bend the brush at another angle.

Choose the right size

For optimal cleaning, it is important to choose an interdental brush of the right size. Very often more than one brush size is needed. Your dental professional can help to select the correct brush size/sizes for you.

Tepe’s  are not single use brushes, they can be used many times until brush appears bent/worn.  Many brushes come with a plastic cap to keep the brush protected. 

If you have any queries, please ask your hygienist or dentist at your next visit.

Medical History Form


Confidential patient medical questionnaire.


Name;____________________________  Date of birth;____________



Tel home; __________________  tel work; _____________                          


Email address;________________________________

Doctors address and phone no if known;____________________


Name and tel no of person to contact in an emergency ______________________ 

Are you taking any medication ? If yes please list and reasons for taking 



Do you have any allergies? (eg penicillin, latex etc.)



Do you have any of the following? (Please circle if applicable)


Asthma,  Bronchitis,  Chest problems,   Heart trouble,  Rheumatic fever,  Arthritis,   Severe Headaches,  Epilepsy,  Anaemia,  Diabetes, Cold sores, Kidney trouble,  Gastric problems,  Depressive illness,  Drug dependence, HIV, Hepatitis A, B or C. High blood pressure, Heart murmur, Angina, Pacemaker fitted.


Have you had any prosthetic surgery? eg; heart valve or hip replacement



Have you ever suffered from excessive bleeding or bruising following an extraction? ______________________


Are you a smoker ? if yes how many approx daily? ____

Are you pregnant ? if yes when is your expected due date _______________________

Are you currently taking the oral contraceptive pill?________

Are you exempt from paying NHS dental charges? Yes/No (If yes please state reason)



Date ___________        signed ______________________patient/guardian. 


Post dental treatment instructions - extractions

A clean and healthy mouth aids healing.

The following steps will help prevent bleeding and relieve soreness:

REST: Rest for a few hours following treatment and avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours.

RINSING: Do not rinse for at least 24 hours.  For several days following   treatment rinse your mouth gently after meals and before retiring using a mouthwash made by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.  Hold the solution in your mouth for several minutes, discard and repeat 2-3 times.

FOOD: Avoid hot fluids, alcohol, hard or chewy foods.  Choose cool drinks and soft or minced foods. Avoid sucking at or interfering with the wound. 

BLEEDING: Should slight bleeding occur sit upright with head and shoulders raised.  Apply pressure using a small pad of gauze or clean linen clamped firmly between the jaws for 15 minutes - repeat if necessary.

PAIN: Make sure you have painkillers on hand for the next 24 hours i.e.paracetamol or ibuprofen. If possible take some painkillers within the first hour after extraction. This will tide you over the time when the anaesthetic is wearing off. Pain control is particularly important during the first 8 hours following an extraction.

If excessive bleeding, undue pain or other symptoms occur contact us on 0117 973 3308 (dial 111 out of hours) for advice without delay. 

Protocol for at home tooth whitening 

  • Brush teeth as normal
  • Using the nozzle to apply the gel to the tray in the area of the tip of the tooth, be careful not to place too much as this could overspill when trays inserted. Each third is for upper and lower use. Each syringe will last 3 applications. 
  • Remember to remove the nozzle and replace the cap after use. By not replacing the cap you are at risk of the gel oxidising and being less effective. 
  • Place the tray into the mouth
  • Remove any excess gel that may ooze out onto your gums or lips with a gauze swab or clean tissue.
  • Leave the tray in overnight, if possible, or for at least 2 hours.
  • Use for 7 – 14 days in a row, if sensitivity occurs use on alternate days.
  • If desired effect is reached within a few days, don’t stop the process, keep using the bleach for up to 10 days as the process could reverse with dietary staining. 

It is common to experience some temperature sensitivity of the teeth during the bleaching process and for a short time afterwards.

There is sometimes blanching of the soft tissues adjacent to the teeth being treated. This is not permanent.

Rinse the trays out after each use and keep them in a glass of clean water, or they can be placed back on top of the models if you have them.

Please call the surgery on 0117 973 3308 if you are unsure of any details or if you have any concerns.